Jupiter in Cancer

The Astrological Jupiter
When it comes to an astrology of success and empowerment, some planets are more important than others simply because of their nature. As the planet of outreach and exploration, Jupiter plays a very important role here. The Hindu word for Jupiter is 'Guru' (Teacher), and Jupiter is about having an outlook or belief system - something we can identify with or look forward to. It shows how we search for meaning in our lives, and therefore has much to tell us about our 'ideal' vocation. Jupiter is the guiding philosophy which provides us with our sense of direction and shows us how to approach life's problems. Jupiter is 'conscience', ethics, as well as our opinions and how we form them. It represents our speculations about the world and can tell us much about the process of self-discovery. As the 'lord of opportunity', prosperity, affluence, and all the benefits we earn through our outgoing-ness and out-giving to others, Jupiter's position in your chart is instrumental in determining your capacity for optimism and attracting luck. To enhance Jupiter's benefit in your life, follow the indications of his placement in your chart. In general, by adopting a spread of effort rather than a concentration - by accepting Life's invitations and maximising what they have to offer - by saying 'yes' to the exotic and unfamiliar - we deliberately extend our range of contacts and interests whereby luck can reach us. There is an organic connection between this attitude and the arrival of the good things in life. A note of warning though, you can have too much of a good thing.

Jupiter in Cancer
A career in big business is possible, for you like broad, secure foundations. It is important for you to feel safe, and you are good at creating a climate in which ideas can grow and flourish; the matrix or womb. Supportive and nurturing, you use your intuition and gut instinct in combination with thought and deliberation. Fiercely loyal, you protect your own interests and of those you love. Your luck comes from putting yourself in situations that 'feed' you emotionally, for example, by surrounding yourself with people you can trust - family, friends etc.