The Infinite Field and the Karmic Dimension (2)

In Along the Path to Enlightenment, Dr. David Hawkins describes “the field”– a foundational concept in this work.
The infinite field of consciousness is All present, All powerful, and includes All of Existence. Thus nothing can possibly happen outside its infinite domain because it is the Source of Existence. Within this infinite field of power, there are decreasing levels of energy fields. As they are expressed progressively in form (linearity), their relative power decreases all the way down to the individual.

The giant field could be compared to an immense electrostatic field in which the individual is like a charged particle that, because of the infinite power of the field, is automatically aligned within the field according to its individual “charge.” The charge of the karmic spiritual body is set by intention, decision, and alignment by intention.

It appears to naïve perception that what is not intellectually explicable seems to be “accidental”, especially when the event is unpredictable. Inasmuch as the infinite field of consciousness is unlimited in dimension, nothing can happen outside of it. All that occurs within it is under its influence, and therefore, nothing “accidental” is possible in reality.
The ultimate origin of this field is that of spirit, the inherent presence, the silent awareness burning within the heart of life. This is divinity and from that ultimate presence manifests the field of reality. The idea that within this infinite field there is no such thing as an accident is an expression of the law of karma as it operates as a universal law: what happens to us, what we experience, think, feel and act upon is an expression of who we really are and have ever been. From our true nature reality aligns to our intention and provides a perfect opportunity for us to evolve through observing the experience of who we really are being mirrored back to us by reality.

This is the perspective that informed Sri Yukteswar, astrologer and guru to Paramahansa Yogananda, when he explained that an individual is born at the moment of the perfect correlation of their individual karma with the movements of the heavens.3 From this perspective the birth chart is a symbolic representation of our karma. Karma, from the perspective of the infinite field is simply the nature of who we are returned to us through our experience of our circumstances and our consciousness.

There is no outside agency manipulating our fate. The stars, as Plotinus ruminated upon so splendidly, are not causes of our experience, merely they correspond to our nature as the potential that we contain as we are born into this field, or into life.4 There is no personal God that is somehow, like a powerful Santa, sitting apart from creation pulling the strings. This conception of God is merely an anthropomorphic projection onto the multidimensional field of potential that contains and enfolds us. God is the infinite field. This is the profound insight found in non-dualist teachings from Buddhism, the Hindu Vedas and even Christian mystics such as Meister Eckhart. This revelation does not deny one a personal relationship with God, for the infinite field is all-knowing and one can relate to that knowingness in a very personal way.

In The Meaning of the Creative Act, Nicholas Berdyaev, the Russian mystic and philosopher said “freedom is love.”5 By this he means that the creative act in its true potential transcends the world of necessity, the linear notions of cause and effect. The idea of non-linear, non-literal meaning and significance is central to the understanding of the context in which astrology works. The natal chart is not a cage from which we must be released. It is not a reality imposed upon us from without. The natal chart is the symbolic expression of the infinite field as it has been translated into human form and it is the expression of our karmic potentiality as held within that field. That potentiality emerges from the nature of who we really are. Karma in this sense is the creation of reality from our nature, not a punishing or rewarding system of pulleys and levers.

 So the planetary aspects in our birth chart that we might see our struggle in do not cause our struggle. The planetary bodies are symbolic correspondences to the inner struggle we already experience as played out into the Cosmos, of which we are a living part. To understand the karmic potential within the birth chart is to approach an astrology in which the individual reality of the person whose chart is being examined is validated and given a deeper context from which the process of understanding, healing and surrender can proceed. From this perspective astrology becomes a powerful tool for generating awareness about the most difficult questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing?

It is with great pleasure that I share with you these profound techniques that I have so often seen aid others in healing the soul.

Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes - Connecting With the Deep Self (1)
The Infinite Field and the Karmic Dimension (2)


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